The 100 Day Project

I sometimes have lofty ideas that are way bigger than the time I possess. Do you find that time slips away, on the carefree wings of curiosity and inspiration? Well, it happens to me frequently, inspiration settles into my mind, takes up space, and talks me into trying something new when I already have 10 something new-s to finish. I decided to spend some time this year thinking about limiting beliefs and just how wrong I frequently am, all the while trying to remember to talk to myself with kindness.

Every year artists from around the world partake in The 100 Day Project. As its title states, it is a global project about doing 100 projects for 100 days. Parameters and guidelines are available to assist us if we need help, as well as creative prompts.

I began my 100-day project at the very end of 2023. For no other than to just get started, too much thinking about action leads to inaction on occasion. If you have been here for a visit, you know I am a sucker for artful living and how we can incorporate more creativity into our daily lives. Yes, I know, for an artist this may be redundant, more creativitiy for one who is living a creative life, but here I am. (She says with a chuckle).

I decided I wanted to explore my thinking patterns and habits, yes my Field Study ( you can read more here) and then paint these thoughts and ideas. I set my parameters to 4 colors, light bismuth yellow, cobalt turquoise, white, and black. I cut scraps of bristol board into irregular squares of 2.5” x 2.5”. Some are larger, some smaller, and then I set a time limit. I spend from 5-7 minutes a day. Usually first thing when I walk into my studio. I will incorporate a word into the small paintings, but with every painting, I write my thoughts on the backside as a reminder of what is in my mind that day. Good, bad, kind, joyful, ugly, painful etc. Emotion caught by the paint.

The official start date of The 100 Day Project was this past week, February 18th, 2024. I knew when I began this project, I wanted it to be a 365-day project with workarounds. My goal is to create an installation at the end of 3 - 100-day projects. My 100 days will overlap at the 50-day mark. I am currently on days #52/100 and #5/200.

Are you confused yet? You might be thinking “That is some funny math, Reagan”. I can’t promise it will be any clearer in the days to come, but at least I will keep you guessing….along with myself.

Below is a snippet of the timeline from inception. As this idea comes to fruition I will share more, but for now, the idea is to be kind to oneself. As kind as you would be to another. Most of us are harder on ourselves than we would ever be to another. Through creativity, I have been learning about myself and that up to this point I haven’t really put in the effort to get to know myself. I’ve always been curious, but more about others, but what I discovered was this was a way of avoidance. Avoiding the dark corners. We can only make our best work when we do a deep dive. Where does your deep dive take you?


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