Creativity In Bloom


So much has been happening here behind the scenes. We like to call it underground planning. You can’t see it, but you can feel the rumblings beneath your feet. In others words, I’m really good at cooking up nonsense and then one day it all just makes sense…..maybe. Here goes

This blog is all things creative exploration, if you have been in for a visit, you might already know this. Creativity in bloom, I like to call it. Finding and developing your creativity is a journey of self-exploration, you know, the thing that makes you fist pump the air when you are doing it. Oh wait, maybe that’s just me being weirdly awkward, like high-fiving no one (you remember Mary Katherine Gallagher, yes). Creativity takes on so many forms and has many faces. It can show up in the way we take care of our elders or children, to how we help solve the problem of plastics in our water. The point is, it is not just creating art, but many things. In my case, it is all about creating art and design. Actually, I should clarify, for me, creativity is a dance with self-exploration. Creativity is my life partner and I adore her.

There is a fabulous quote about creativity by the fabulous Maya Angelou “You can’t use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have.” Now, I’m not saying those days that creativity is stubbornly not having it doesn’t exist, but the beautiful thing about creativity is that it wants to live. Unbridled. All we have to do is trust and wait patiently. It can be timid, maybe because we have been closed off to it, but once you sit and welcome her in. POOF… there she is in sparkly sequins, a feather boa, and polka dots.

In the past 3 months, I have had the opportunity to really focus on this collaborative living. It probably has been some of the most peaceful, stimulating, and happiest moments of my life. She does like to chatter on a bit at 4 in the morning, but I don’t mind.

It’s that time of year, things are blooming, birds are chirpier, and there’s more movement all around and a sort of electric buzzing of life. Creativity wants desperately to explore. My favorite way to explore is by walking. The air smells different, the colors are so much more vibrant, and you can feel life whipping around on a windy day. It fuels the creative juices. Get out there and just take it all in.

Hello Moon


The Road to Surtex 2023


Being an Explorer of Creativity