Hello There….

My name is Reagan (long e sound), it is lovely to meet you. Welcome to my creative journey. A journey of artful living and all things creative exploration. I am a maker, trained metalsmith, color blender, painter, gardening doodler, specimen collector, and creative exploration enthusiast. I love the process of building, and bringing ideas to fruition.

I love sharing my creative process and invite you to join me in my endeavors here on the blog. I am a firm believer that we can create an artful life in the simplest of ways. By walking and exploring nature, taking only left turns, asking questions and really listening to the answers. Simply sitting quietly and letting the breeze caress our faces. My hope with my work and website is to cultivate creative curiosity in all things, even the simplest of tasks can be an artful experience if we give it the space to bubble up.

Reagan Hayhurst Designs

Jewelry, Stationery, and more..

I love all things snail mail and stationery. Find your new favorites here.

A collection of Jewelry Specimens and all things metal art.

Journey through my portfolio.

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Cultivate Creativity